Local salted pork products
The number of salted pork meats in the Parma area is practically impossible to count.
The most well known products include Culatello di Zibello (made from pork loin), Salame di Felino (a small, thin salami), Spalla cotta di San Secondo (cooked shoulder of ham), Coppa (air-dried joint from the upper shoulder), Pancetta (lean cured and rolled belly of pork), Fiocchetto (made from pork loin), Mortadella (cooked slicing sausage), Cicciolata (similar to brawn) and Strolghino (a small salami).
Each product reflects a propitious and anonymous time-honoured skill, which has been handed down over the generations to pay tribute to tables around the world.
Spalla cotta di San Secondo
This ham, which was even extolled by Giuseppe Verdi who held it in particular esteem, is a typical product of the Parma lowlands, with an extremely long history.
Documents dating as far back as 1170 even make mention of it. Over the centuries, the process to produce ham from the shoulder of the pig has not changed, guaranteeing an unquestionable value for this product. Cooked shoulder of ham is one of the few salted pork meat products in the area to be served hot.